Today’s news / Denmark seeks EU ruling to scrap minimum wage
The wage formation should take place among the labor market parties in Denmark - and not be determined by the EU. That is the message from the Danish government, which on Tuesday has the case before the EU Court of Justice (archive photo). Photo: Thomas Sjørup/Ritzau Scanpix

Denmark seeks EU ruling to scrap minimum wage

Denmark argues at the EU Court that wage determination should stay within the national domain, challenging the EU’s directive on minimum wages. The Danish government, supported by the employment minister Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen and union leader Morten Skov Christiansen, argues the directive infringes upon the country’s principle of wages being set by labor market parties, not by legislation. They are attempting to annul the directive, citing its misalignment with the EU treaty. Despite the EU Commission’s assurances of respecting the Danish model and not enforcing statutory minimum wages in Denmark, the country demands complete directive annulment. While some EU countries view the directive as a step toward better conditions for low-wage workers, Denmark fears it may overstep EU competences. With support from Sweden, Denmark recognizes the challenge of overcoming strong forces in this principled fight.