Today’s news / Employees of Moderaterne can speak on sexism despite NDA

Employees of Moderaterne can speak on sexism despite NDA

Employees in the Danish political party Moderaterne can freely discuss experiences with bullying or sexism even after accepting a severance agreement that includes a confidentiality clause, according to the trade union Djøf. The agreement specifies confidentiality regarding the agreement’s content, but personal experiences with bullying and sexism are not restricted from discussion. This clarification comes after concerns arose over a reported severance offer that included three months’ salary and a gag order. Although employees are required to always act in the party’s best interest, they can still speak out about personal experiences. Djøf has advised its members to seek personal advice if considering the severance offer. Furthermore, the situation surfaced after complaints to the Labor Inspectorate about bullying and sexism within the organization prompted a nine-hour crisis meeting, with former party member Jeppe Søe, demanding an impartial investigation, eventually leaving the party.