Today’s news / New island to protect vulnerable birds at Sprogø
In addition to being the centerpiece of the Great Belt Bridge, Sprogø is also home to over 30 bird species. (Archive photo). Photo: Niels Ahlmann Olesen/Ritzau Scanpix

New island to protect vulnerable birds at Sprogø

Vulnerable bird species at Sprogø in the Great Belt will benefit from a new island, according to Sund & Bælt who aims to establish the island to improve breeding conditions. The island is crucial for various threatened species such as the Black-headed Gull, the endangered Common Eider and the Little Tern, which has seen a population decline due to a bird flu outbreak in 2022. Ditte Hjort, project manager at Sund & Bælt, hopes the new 1000 square meter island will help stabilize or increase the bird populations. Construction is expected to finish by the end of October. Additionally, three wildlife crossings are being built to aid the Common Eider chicks. Sprogø, which is home to over 30 bird species and the rare natterjack toad, will benefit from a 10 million kroner natural conservation project, including the creation of a new pond to attract the toad.