Today’s news / Copenhagen Airport to deploy pollution-detecting cameras
Copenhagen Airport is installing heat-sensitive cameras to detect if planes are breaking rules by running auxiliary engines, creating more air pollution and noise. (Archive photo). Photo: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix

Copenhagen Airport to deploy pollution-detecting cameras

Copenhagen Airport is the first in Europe to install heat-sensitive cameras that will monitor airplanes for any violation of pollution and noise regulations, reports TV 2 Kosmopol. These cameras will check if aircraft at the airport’s 40 busiest stands are running an auxiliary power unit (APU) while stationary, which is against airport rules. The aim is to turn off the engines faster to reduce fuel consumption and subsequent air pollution and noise. Pilots sometimes use the APU for power, not realizing the airport can connect the aircraft to its power supply immediately after landing. The technology, including AI-based software, is expected to be operational by spring. Penalties for pilots who don’t comply have not been determined. An investigation in April revealed significant pollution levels around the airport, comparable to Copenhagen’s most polluted street.