Today’s news / Nearly half of illegal customs goods linked to drugs
Packages are checked by the customs service at Copenhagen Airport. The Customs Agency has recorded about 8700 cases of smuggling illegal goods into Denmark. 46 percent of the cases involved drugs. (Archive photo). Photo: Thomas Lekfeldt/Ritzau Scanpix

Nearly half of illegal customs goods linked to drugs

In 2023, the Danish Customs Agency recorded 8,700 attempts to smuggle illegal goods into Denmark, a significant number of which involved narcotics. Accounting for 46% of seized goods, narcotics are increasingly common, especially among the youth, which concerns the Tax Minister, Rasmus Stoklund. A notable increase from the previous year’s 37%, 2023 witnessed the seizure of 1,900 kilos of hash, with individual cases, such as the discovery of around 900 kilos in a truck at Rødbyhavn, contributing to the high figure. Additionally, 740,000 illegal pills were seized from a hearse at Gedser Port. The types of goods smuggled vary annually; past years saw a high number of weapon cases, peaking in 2018 and 2019, whereas weapons only made up 2,066 of the 8,700 total cases in 2023.