Today’s news / Dan Jørgensen nominated as EU commissioner
Dan Jørgensen (S) and Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (S) are here in the Parliament during a session in February 2023. Dan Jørgensen has been nominated for the position of EU Commissioner for Energy and Housing on Tuesday, a post Mette Frederiksen calls "important". (Archive photo). Photo: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix

Dan Jørgensen nominated as EU commissioner

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen expresses pride as Dan Jørgensen is recommended for the role of EU Commissioner for Energy and Housing, aligning with Danish priorities and interests. The role will be vital for the ambitious green transition and energy independence from external sources. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, expects Jørgensen to help reduce energy prices, foster investment in clean energy, and alleviate EU energy dependence. Jørgensen, if confirmed after hearings in the European Parliament, would become the first EU Commissioner for Housing and the first Social Democratic Danish Commissioner since 2004.