Today’s news / Søren Pape’s funeral set to be open to public
A large turnout is expected for Søren Pape Poulsen's funeral on Saturday. (Archive photo). Photo: Ida Marie Odgaard/Ritzau Scanpix

Søren Pape’s funeral set to be open to public

The funeral of Søren Pape Poulsen, the leader of the Conservative Party, set for Saturday at Viborg Cathedral, will be open to the public. Despite expectations of a large turnout from both political representatives and citizens, the church’s limited seating may not accommodate everyone. A big screen may be set up in Viborg for those unable to get inside the cathedral. The logistics of the event are still being finalized by the party and the bishop. Bishop Henrik Stubkjær, who had a close relationship with Poulsen and has been chosen by the family, will conduct the funeral at the cathedral, a place of significance to Pape. The selection of hymns, particularly meaningful to Poulsen, is not yet disclosed. Søren Pape Poulsen passed away on Saturday following a stroke during a party meeting on Friday.